3 hours Photo Shooting
3 or 4 locations
This is one of our best tours with the Eiffel tower plus main locations in Paris Centre.
This photo shooting is a great experience for getting to know a little about Paris and bringing back home a gallery with different views.
We will begin with the magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower in Trocadero. Then, we will have a car pick-up to take us to the poetical Pont des Arts.
From here we will walk through the docks of the Seine River, and then reach the Louvre by foot.
We will finish in beautiful Palais Royal with French garden style nature shoot.
Places to be visited
- Trocadero explanade
- Trocadero Gardens and fountains
Car pick-up
- Seine River
- Pont des Arts
- Louvre Museum
- Palais Royal
2:30 to 3 hours photo shooting with Eiffel tower and main Paris Centre locations.
+/- 180-200 photos
High definition for printing
Low definition for telephone download.
- All the photos from the shooting will be selected and edited one by one.
+40 € weekends and holidays Please ask to be manually booked