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Photographing Paris with your smartphone, 8 essential points

Updated: May 4, 2021

You don't need to have a super phone to make your photos of Paris look spectacular. More important is knowing how to recognize a good scene and put together good compositions. We leave you some clues on how to take incredible photos with any phone.

A type of light for everything

1. sunrise and sunset: these times of the day are ideal for taking portraits because the light is not too strong, the faces look better and it also makes the colors shine.

2. noon: with its great contrasts, this light is perfect for taking sculpture photography, architecture, panoramas and black and white photography. If you want to take portraits, better under the shade of a tree or a building.

3. cloudy days: the light of a cloudy day is diffuse and uniform so it will give you harmonious selfies. If there are no interesting clouds, to photograph the city make the sky appear as little as possible and play with objects in the foreground that bring your photography to life.

4. Indoor Spaces: For selfies, stand as close to windows or light areas. Use the shadow area as a background to make the faces shine even more.


Change your point of view to play with the planes:

5. photographing from above will make faces look thinner and chin-free. In addition, it allows you to take interesting photographs of objects such as coffee cups, French pastries, etc. Try taking a picture of your feet on one of the mosaic floors.

6. By photographing from below you can make buildings look bigger and you can also take interesting photos from ground level using close-up shots. We recommend it for your portraits!

7. To photograph cityscapes, French-style park tree lines, or to photograph works of art, position yourself in the center, perfectly aligned with the main subject of your photo.

8. Instead, for portraits or close-ups on horizontal photos, position them to the side of the image following the rule of thirds to see the background.

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