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How to take your honeymoon and post-wedding photos in Paris?

Updated: May 4, 2021

No no no, there is no doubt that Paris is THE place to go on your honeymoon. Romantic, beautiful, dynamic, with unusual little nooks and hidden corners. The most beautiful city in the world has no competition! So if you have chosen well by putting Paris in your places to visit on your wedding trip, we will show you where, when and how to take the best photos of your honeymoon. If you want to go on your own or prefer to go with one of our Spanish-speaking photographers in Paris, we propose some routes for you to choose the ideal place for your memories of your honeymoon, which you can do consecutively or separately over several days.

Ready ...

Where to take honeymoon photos in Paris?

First option: the indispensable photos with the Eiffel Tower.

Let's start with the first…. You can not miss photos with the iron lady! Fortunately, this famous metal sculpture is not only the most visited structure in the world, it is also, by law, the tallest building in France. Excellent news because that is how it is visible from many places in Paris. However, here are our favorites for taking post-wedding photos with the Eiffel Tower:

1.Photos in Trocadero

Unquestionably, dear reader.a, Trocadero takes the hat of the best framing for a photo session with the tower.

The Trocadero esplanade is the preferred setting for movies, for clips like this one by Zaz or for advertisements like this one by Jude Law for Dior Homme by Guy Ritchie. Any cinematographer will know that it is a magical place to photograph the Eiffel Tower. But ... but ... but it has a big "but" and that is that it fills up with people. So for your photos, it is best to meet our photographer early in the morning. Of course, in summer, whoever says early, says very very early, with the singing of the little birds (which they do sing in the city of lights as well). If you have time and desire, continue to point two, you can get there on foot ...

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Trocadero torre Eiffel Paris fotografo español

2. Photos at Bir Hakeim Bridge

If you are more of staying in bed for a long time and do not want to wake up with the sun, or if you come from your photos in Trocadero, the second option for a post-wedding session with the Eiffel Tower is the Bir Hakeim bridge.

This viaduct is another of the most photogenic corners of Paris. You will see it in films like The Last Tango in Paris with Marlon Brando, in Inception with Leonardo Dicaprio or in music videos.

If you want our photographer to take you along this route, you can take home not only some photos with the Eiffel Tower but also photos with its very particular architecture.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Bir Hakeim Paris fotografo español

Second option: photos with history in the center of Paris.

Now straight to the "center" of Paris. Although the concept is quite broad, it is known that the Greco-Roman origin of Paris is in the ïle de la Cité. From here it grew progressively, almost radially and for that reason, here are many of the famous monuments that appear in the guides over the centuries. We recommend two circuits.

3. Photos on the Ìle de la Cité and the Île Saint-Louis

Starting from the Cité metro, origin of Paris, crossing the Flower and Bird Market, our photographic route leads the beautiful Place Dauphine, one of the most romantic places in this area. With its triangular layout, the historic courthouse and its proximity to the Seine, you will always have good light in a privileged environment. You can continue on foot along the Seine until you reach Notre Dame. We recommend taking a photo break both in front of and behind the Paris Cathedral, and, above all, taking advantage of photos with the cherry blossoms of Notre Dame in the spring. You can end this photographic walk by crossing to the Latin Quarter, walking through its narrow pedestrian streets that at sunset will give you a spectacular bokeh effect, and rest with a coffee on one of the terraces, hot even in winter.

My Paris Photo Tour luna de miel Paris fotografo espanol

4. Photos between palaces: Louvre and Royal Palace

If you like great monuments and the Louvre pyramid has always caught your attention, you can do a post-wedding photo session in Paris, between palaces. You can start from the Pont des Arts to get to the Louvre Museum, with some images with the pyramid, its fountains, with its carved doors and such Parisian streetlights. Then, we advise you to also visit the side galleries, which are settings heavily worked in stone, sublime and elegant.

From here, you can walk to the Royal Palace, waving at the Kiosque des Noctambules, in the Plaza Colette. In the first area of ​​the Palais Royal grounds, we arrive at the courtyard of the Columns of Buren and then we enter the large French-style garden. Do not hesitate to sit and take pictures on their benches or their chairs for two, which are also for that, to rest ... and then visit and pose in front of the water fountain, its flowers and sculptures and take advantage of its lines for portraits.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Louvre Paris fotografo español

Third option: Water is pure poetry, photos with the Seine

Oh the Seine! How many poets have inspired its waters? Photos in the Seine is always a good option, but you have to know where to make its bridges look good. Not for nothing did Woody Allen choose his framing for his film Midnight in Paris.

5. Pont Alexandre III

This bridge is a golden jewel, gifted by Russia to the city. Its golden sculptures, its finely conceived lamps and the presence of the Invalides in the background, will make your post-wedding photos shine in a golden Paris.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Grand Palais Paris fotografo español

6. The docks in the center of Paris.

Here it is best to start at the tip of the Vert Galant, crowned by a magnificent weeping willow that appears, for example, in this video of Taylor Swift in Paris. In a session that runs along the water you will be able to have photos with Notre Dame, with the Hotel de Ville, and between bridges. How many loves have their names inscribed in the trees on its banks, how many kisses have been engraved in the wind between its cobblestones and stone seats.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Sena Paris fotografo español

Fourth option: Living Paris, street life and Parisian style

But Paris is more than a monument city. It is a city that beats, that vibrates to the rhythm of its daily activities. We invite you to take a honeymoon photo session experiencing its street markets, its antique markets, its cafes, its street art and why not, its public transport.

7. Living Montmartre

Starting from the “je t’aime” wall, you can tour the neighborhood where Amélie Poulin was filmed, and more than one music clip. Picasso, Gris, Toulouse Lautrec, among many other artists have left their traces in this well-known neighborhood. Do not hesitate to make sessions with the new artistic codes and take advantage of street art for new backgrounds.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda Montmartre Paris fotografo español

8. Unusual Paris

There are several neighborhoods and areas different from what you are used to seeing in photos of Paris. Take the opportunity to take honeymoon photos in the pedestrian streets, or in some of the picturesque and unknown neighborhoods, away from tourists like La Mouzaia.

My Paris Photo Tour foto luna de miel postboda cafe Paris fotografo español

Fifth option: from within

What is too cold? What is too hot?

Well, it is time to enter the cafes, the museums, the covered galleries of Paris and marvel at all that the city has to offer. Not only will you discover curious things but you will also have some original, very particular photos of a different but very his own Paris. Visit the Gallerie Vivienne, the Vero-Dodat passage, or one of our favorites, the Louvre, in particular the private apartments of Napoleon III.

When to take honeymoon photos in Paris?

The time of year to take photos in Lutecia does not matter because the city always retains that special aura. Any season of the year is ideal for honeymoon photos in Paris. Do you have any doubts? Keep reading:


In autumn Paris fills with luscious colors. Ochres, yellows, oranges and reds decorate the trees with a unique touch. The photos will have that warm golden hue and the rays of the sun, with some raindrops, bring wonderful reflections.

Light, an important issue, is very soft in autumn. Let's see, there are many cloudy days, but these give a lot of softness to the skin, and if it is sunny, because the tones and the quality of natural light greatly enrich the images.

In addition, your photos in autumn will allow you to change various accessories that are easy to transport: foulards, hat, glasses ... The more places you choose, the more accessories you could bring with you and take varied, warm and very romantic photos. And if you come with your wedding dress for a post-wedding session, then talk about it with our photographer who will make you leave your comfort zone so that they are spectacular and novel.


Unless you got married in the winter, it's probably too cold for a session in your wedding dress ... unless you want to give it a really trans edge or throw yourself into an indoor session.

A post-wedding session in Paris in winter may need some special care because the clothes will be very important. It is, however, a good occasion to use brightly colored coats, or original scarves, hats, gloves and shoes.

The best thing is to do a session that alternates the exterior and interior spaces so that they do not get too cold and the noses do not turn red (Rodolfo-el-reno style). Anyway, what could be more romantic than having a cup of steaming hot chocolate in front of the great city of lights?


They already say it out there that spring alters the blood ... because the veins of the city of Paris also start to flow, filling the parks with flowers, with bright green leaves. It is an excellent time for photos in the parks, full of color and with a lot of texture. You can walk around the city without stopping. Enjoy the terraces, take photos in a cafe, ride a bike. The days are longer and the city is very romantic. Of course, when spring arrives the sun intensifies, so do not hesitate to call a professional photographer who knows how to take advantage of these very particular shades.


The heat has set in. For a photo session in Paris, in summer, you can also take advantage of all the parks, the morning walks, the monuments and streets that are emptied of Parisians. In addition, in summer there are a whole series of things that happen in the city. Extraordinary activities like the beach in Paris, water games, and ice cream parlors that appear as pop-up shops all over the city. Also take the opportunity to take photos at sunset in one of the parks that will be open 24 hours a day.

And if it is too sunny or you find yourself in a heat wave in Paris, take the opportunity to photograph yourself in the interiors of the city's museums.

How to take honeymoon photos in Paris?

Paris is beautiful so if you want, you can think about taking selfies and now, surely you will have more than one beautiful photo because they are both more than gorgeous. If that's your plan, read our post on the best places for selfies, couple photos in Paris and to photograph Paris with your phone.

However, a honeymoon trip is a REALLY UNIQUE moment in a couple's life. So here are five reasons why booking a photoshoot in Paris with a Spanish-speaking photographer might be a good idea.

  1. Paris is the most romantic city in the world. And it is also the most beautiful. So if you've thought about taking professional photos of your honeymoon trip and you don't know which city to choose to take them, don't hesitate: Paris is the destination to choose.

  2. Preserves photos of the two, natural, spontaneous, without deformations. We love selfies, but honestly, there are photos that you won't be able to take with your phone. Although you will have thousands of selfies with large super smiling faces, because full-body photos, of the two, and well colored, will be few and you will always have to bother someone to take them for you. And in Paris it's not always easy ...

  3. You will be able to print the photos of your honeymoon or post-wedding trip in Paris. If you have or want to create a family album or a photo book that your little offspring will inherit (or not), with a professional photo session in Paris, you have it assured ... mobile photos are very very very bad once on paper Not to mention its technical limitations to get interesting backgrounds, optimized blurs ... if you're going to print, better not risk it.

  4. Going with a local Paris photographer guarantees you go where the best photos are taken. Yes, one has been touring the city for years. Days of rain, thunder and lightning, we know them. So come rain, thunder or lightning we know the exact points where to stand, sit or walk. Not only so that the photos turn out well but so that the whole experience of your fototour is magnificent. Knowing the city like the back of your hand makes the difference in your photo session.

  5. You will learn more about what it is like to live in Paris. Talking to a local photographer who lives here will allow you to discover interesting things about life in the city of lights, they will also be able to answer your questions, give you recommendations and show you a Paris that does not appear in any book or guide. Personal contact makes everything more fun and enriches us all.

Why is it difficult to choose where, when and how to take photos in Paris? In the end, the important thing is to know that Paris, wherever you go: Eiffel Tower, the Seine, great monuments; whatever the time: fall, winter, spring or summer; And whatever way you choose to take your photos, with a mobile phone, with a camera or accompanied by a photographer who speaks Spanish, Paris is always unique and unrepeatable, like your trip here. Enjoy it!

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us, visit our gallery or continue reading our posts to discover everything the city has to give you for your honeymoon and post-wedding photos in Paris.

Welcome to Paris!

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